Unique Credentials — Enhanced Analysis


Unsolicited Testimonials From Lawyers & Others About Dr. Brown


“As you know, we have resolved the case and the trial has been cancelled. We sincerely appreciate your hard work and attention to detail in this case. This was an incredibly complex case involving complex products liability issues… [We] were able to receive a result that will forever protect [my client] financially. Your professionalism in the case was very impressive. Your attention to detail, timelessness and response were always spot on…. [Y]our involvement ultimately helped in the amazing outcome of the case…. Thank you again….”

“You were an excellent witness. I enjoyed working with you…I hope we are able to work together again in the future.”

“We won on all aspects of the case and are particularly pleased to inform you of such. We believe that your lengthy report was definitely a plus in convincing the [judge]…”

“Once again, we appreciate the tremendous amount of time that you spent in providing your expert opinion in this case.”

“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the assistance you gave me in preparing the [claim]….Your insights and analysis were absolutely invaluable and right on the mark. Your testimony at the hearing was absolutely superb and your responses to…cross-examination questions were great!”

A neuropsychologist in August 2021 writes,“[Your report was] thorough, concisely written, clear-eyed, and exudes professional competence…”

A neurosurgeon writes,“… I also reviewed Dr. Brown’s very thorough and accurate independent medical review, dated January 2021. I completely agree with this report and assessment now that I am aware of the prior medical records and video.”

Unsolicited Testimonials from Law School Veterans’ Clinics

“I have excellent news! Mr. C. was granted 100% disability rating for his heart condition all the way back to his initial claim. He was also granted service – connection for PTSD and cataracts…. Mr. C. and I cannot thank you enough. The law judge called your opinions well-reasoned and we could not agree more.”

“[T]he Decision Review Officer (DRO) plans to award service-connection on many claims for Mr. B. taking him to 100% service connection going back to 1993. The DRO was impressed with your opinion and the class action material….Thank you again for all of your assistance!”